A Warts Home Remedy To Try

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Warts are very common amongst children as well as adults. They usually appear on the hands and feet and usually have the look of a thick skin or growth on the effected area. It is possible for warts to spread but they don’t cause any serious health concerns. Most warts that are found on the body are not painful, although it may become uncomfortable if you have one on your feet and you may want to get treatment such as a Warts Home Remedy.

Genital warts are also very common amongst the young and you can experience a itching and burning sensation around the genital area. At times they can become quite inflamed and start to bleed, especially during intercourse. As warts are caused by a viral infection, it is important that any signs of these skin conditions should be treated straight away and prevent it from spreading to other areas of the body or other individuals.You may want to try Wartrol which is a all natural product that can remove genital warts effectively.

There are many treatments that you can follow at home which may help you clear up your warts. Although some may not be as effective to others, it is important that you try all treatments to see which one works best for you.

Warts Home RemedyOlive Leaf Extract: This method is how I removed my wart from my finger, you also can soak a cotton bud in the liquid and dab over the effected area. After a few treatments the wart will simply fall off.

Sticky/Duct Tape: This method is quite popular and is very effective. Just place some tape over the effected area for up to 5 days and then soak it in warm water. Repeat this process for up to 6 weeks until the wart is removed. Just remember that this should only be done if the effected areas are on your feet or hands. Do not do this method if you have them in your genital area.

Tea Tree Oil : This type of oil is great for genital warts. Just soak a cotton bud in the oil and dab it over the warts. Depending on how big the wart is it may take a few weeks before it falls off.

Castor Oil : Before you go to bed dab Castor oil over the wart and repeat for a few months.

Using Onions: When rubbing onions on the skin, it actually promotes blood flow in the effected area and can cause the wart to fall off.

By regularly following a warts home remedy, you will see how easy it is to remove warts that you may have, the hardest part is finding the best kind of home remedy treatment that works best for you.

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