Ingrown Toenail Remedies : How To Get Effective Pain Relief

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Getting the right Ingrown Toenail Remedies can help with symptoms such as pain and discomfort. When we experience an ingrown toenail it can be very hard to walk and also you may get swelling around the toenail as well. It is important to start treatment straight away as they may not go away by itself. An ingrown toenail is when the nail starts to grow inwards and can cut your skin causing pain, swelling and you may also see puss. This can also cause an infection, which is why it is extremely important that you get the right treatment straight away.

There are many ways where you can prevent ingrown toenails from occurring such as cutting your nails regularly and correctly and also wearing shoes that are not too tight. If you find that cutting your nails especially your toenails quite difficult, it is recommended that you soak your feet in warm water with a little amount of baking soda. By doing this, you will find it a lot easier to cut your nails.

Ingrown Toenail Remedies
Ingrown Toenail Remedies

Other remedies that you can do at home is to gently clip the nail that is growing into your skin. Make sure that you clean the nail first with some alcohol wipes and then use some sharp nail clippers. You can then apply a antibiotic ointment to help with the pain and prevent an infection. You may also want to cover the nail with a band aid and change it every morning for the next few days.

To soften the nail when cutting your nails you can also use epsom salts which will help with any swelling or inflammation you may  be experiencing. When cutting your nails, it is important not to cut them too short or you may get symptoms of ingrown toenails again. If you suffer from a lot of ingrown toenails, it is also recommended to consult a podiatrist as they will be able to show you how to cut your nails the correct way.

Tea tree oil is very effective as it is a natural anti fungal and also anti bacterial agent. By simply adding a few drops to some water, it can help relieve pain and also help prevent infection. You can also find tea tree oil creams that contain Vitamin E, which is effective in reducing pain and swelling. It should be applied until your symptoms have been reduced.

If you suffer from thick and brittle nails, you may want to take more Vitamin A and B which will help strengthen your nails and also prevent thickness of the nails as well. When your body is deficient in Vitamin A or B, you often experience very brittle nails and also they can become quite thick which makes it very hard to cut them.

By applying ingrown toenail remedies, you should get fast pain relief and also reduce signs of infection. If any of these natural treatments have not worked for you, it is extremely important that you consult a podiatrist or doctor.



2 thoughts on “Ingrown Toenail Remedies : How To Get Effective Pain Relief

  • January 20, 2012 at 3:08 am

    If you suffer from ingrowning toenails, often the podiatrist will be able to cut your nails so they are more comfortable for you. This should reduce your pain and discomfort for a while, but they will return once the nail has regrown.

    Occasionally, when someone has banged their toe or cut too far down the nail, they will suffer from an ingrown toenail and once the podiatrist has trimmed the nail, it should regrow normally again. If it does regrow and cause you pain or you have coped with your ingrown toenail(s) for a while you may wish to consider nail surgery.

    • January 20, 2012 at 10:07 am

      Thanks for sharing your tips.


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